Wednesday, December 26, 2007

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Earn Money Online! No Registration Fees. Guaranteed Payments
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There are several plus points about Money Cosmos, which differ us from other affiliate websites. Below are few to mention!

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Find The Most Lucrative Affiliate Program

Find The Most Lucrative Affiliate Program
Finding a good affiliate marketing program that makes a lot of money is not easy. The trick lies in finding an affiliate marketing program that does not have too many members and yet promotes worthy products, and an effective marketing strategy. The failure of an affiliate marketer to make money usually stems from two causes. One cause is that they only receive a small percent of the commission. Another is because too many people are members of the same affiliate program. Sometimes, an affiliate program can have thousands of members, which mean that there is not much opportunities available.

Here are two strategies that are guaranteed to provide you with a paycheck every month. One effective strategy to increase sales is by developing an email list of persons most likely to buy the product. This strategy takes time, but is well worth the effort in the end. There is a higher chance of a repeat business for products to complement the first one that the customer bought from you. Before making a product offering to potential buyers, be sure you are convinced of the worthiness of the product. Product offerings done for the sake of making a sale will erode customer trust. The long term effect will be is that the customer will not be buying any of your products. Ever. Also, do not make other potential customers get the impression that you are just out to advertise on the product. Be sure to include valuable information before recommending your product. This is vital so that the customer is aware of the product's special features and advantages.

Another strategy is to ask a super-affiliate to join the program. A super-affiliate is someone who has an established email list of regular customers. If you are successful in partnering with a super-affiliate then the sales generated by the super-affiliate will generate commissions for you. It's a win-win situation! Having several super-affiliates under you will ensure a paycheck even if you yourself don't make a sale. The major advantage of this strategy is that it will save you time from generating your own email list. The challenge then lies in your ability to convince the super-affiliate to join your program.

So you see, although making money from affiliate marketing programs is not easy, it is not also impossible. It only needs the right strategy. Employing the right strategy with the right attitude will guarantee success in affiliate marketing program. You should not be easily discouraged. Affiliate marketing programs only work for people who believe that they could overcome the challenges and succeed. This is the secret key to unlimited success and opportunities.

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Affiliate Program Marketing

Affiliate Program Marketing
Affiliate Marketing as you all are aware, is a proven business model, for making money online, in as easy and recurring ways. You are bound to get predetermined commission fee referring customers to Merchants that are selling products being searched in the Internet by the Customers.

Therefore, Internet is a Marketing Medium, for Affiliate Programs. All the marketing techniques that remain in the real world business is the same for online business. However, Internet Marketing has its own advantages compared to Real World Marketing, in that it is cost-effective, quick and easier. You play the role of a "Middle Man" between the "Buyer" and the "Seller".

To start with and succeed in the Affiliate Marketing you need to have yourselves adapted to the following principles of "Affiliate Program Marketing", namely,

1) Focus:- One Affiliate Business at a time. Sticking to One Affiliate Program with an unique website promoting that Affiliate Program with a clear objective leading to creation of your own opt-in list, collecting the names and email addresses of your prospective customers.

2) Simplicity and Reputation:- You should be interactive with the prospective customers and attract them with 'to the point' emails and your opt-in pages must be simple and clean. You should interact with them 'personally and in real terms' than being a 'psuedo', this helps building reputation, familiarity with the prospective customers thereby getting a 'brand name' for yourselves.

3) Lead Generation, List Building and Effective Follow-ups with the prospective customers providing them with 'high quality information' and 'better buying experience' grows your market share by getting sales and conversion of your leads to your success as Super Affiliate Marketer.

To get succeeded and real results, an Affiliate Marketer must follow these steps:

1) One Step at a time and remain patient.
2) Take required efforts and massive action wherever necessary.
3) Learn the Basic Skills of Internet Marketing.
4) Act from the Day One of launch of Affiliate Program Marketing.
5) Understand the concept of Time Vs Money Principle.
6) Prepare Checklists and fix deadlines at every stage of Affiliate Marketing.

These factors also play a vital role to earn money online through Affiliate Programs.

1) Provide Solutions to your Customers in the Opt-In Lists.
2) Go through the sales page of successful Super Affiliates because they have already pointed out what works online and you have a proven system to follow

You Use the 'Proven System' adopting the above hints I have mentioned above, you are 'SURE TO SUCCEED YOUR PATH AS A SUPER AFFILIATE'.

How To Get Started With Affiliate Programs

How To Get Started With Affiliate Programs
The basis of online businesses is a product or service. So, you're faced with creating a new product or service. You will also be responsible for filling orders. In addition to this, you will also need to create a website, write your own ad copy, develop a marketing plan and set up online payment access. If you market a physical product, consider the packaging and shipping costs involved. If you offer a service, you will probably start out by providing it free in order to establish reputability, which could take a while. Once you are off the ground and running, even though you receive payment for your services you'll find that there are limits to the amount of work you can handle.

The good news is affiliate programs provide a way so that you won't have to face any of the above issues. With affiliate programs you sell another company's service or product and get paid for every sale or lead. You don't have to worry about designing a website or handling the transaction because they do it for you. The only thing you have to do is bring traffic to your affiliate link. The affiliate link is coded to identify the customers that come to the company's site from your marketing efforts.

One characteristic of affiliate programs is tiers, which allows for another income potential. A tier is created when you find someone who has an interest in selling the same product as you, who decides to join the affiliate. This means that you will get a small percentage of their earnings when they make a sale. When it comes to choosing a program, there are a few things you'll want to find out. First, do some research to find out if there's a demand for some of the things that interest you. The Overture keyword tool is a great source to find such information and it's free.

Once you find a popular area, go to the search engines and type in the area along with 'affiliate program' to find out about any programs. An affiliate program directory is another tool that's available.

If any particular program interests you, make sure to read the terms of the program. You don't want to go with a company whose payouts are based on a high commission earning or you might not ever see your paycheck. It's a good idea to choose a program that has a high commission rate. It's common to see ebooks and downloadable software have some of the highest rates because there is no physical product to ship. Once you are confident you've found a reputable company, all that's left to do is sign up.

A number of affiliate programs will offer support when it comes to methods of marketing. They may even offer tools such as banners or product feeds. Other ways of marketing may include blogs, writing articles or pay-per-click models. Soon you will gain experience with marketing strategies and be well on your way to generating a rewarding income.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Home Internet Business Start Up Ideas For Online Success

Home Internet Business Start Up Ideas For Online Success
Starting a home internet business can be an exciting yet daunting experience and in order to help you achieve online success here are some ideas to help you understand the start up process.

Most, in fact all I am sure, who start an internet home business do so for the sole purpose of making money. Whether it is to generate some extra income from home or to eventually build an internet business to the point where you can quit your day job and work full time from home.

Bearing this in mind, it is only logical then that at the outset all you are thinking of is making money very quickly with your new home internet business. Disappointment soon sets in when you are not seeing the immediate returns you expected. You realize that your dreams of buying a Ferrari or Porsche next month are not going to materialize!

This is the reason a lot of people quit their home internet business in the very early stages. Either their expectations were far too high or they were just not aware of what it actually takes to build and profit from an online home business.

Consider this scenario for a moment. What is actually happening the minute you sign off the architect’s drawings for your new business premises? You are giving the architect the official go-head to appoint a builder to start building your new multi-storey office block. The building process could take a few months to complete, only then can move in, start marketing and only then start generating income from that business.

This is similar to what happens the moment you sign up for an internet home business program. Your business does not automatically appear on the first page of the search engine results. Nobody at this stage even knows that your business exists. You have to make that happen. You now have to start the exciting part of building your home internet business and learning the internet marketing process as you go along in order to make your presence felt on the internet.

By understanding this point you will realize that it takes a while to start seeing any return from your online home business. There is plenty of work to be done before the money starts rolling in.

This is why you will often read about starting an internet home business with a *never quit* attitude and *doing whatever it takes for however long it takes* to achieve success. You will be setting yourself up for success instead of disappointment if you truly adopt this attitude at the start up.

Treat your home internet business as a proper business, whether you just want to earn a little extra money or enough for total financial freedom. Start setting short, medium and long term realistic goals. Put these ideas and a business plan in place so that you know exactly where you are heading. Be patient, yet determined and totally committed. Work hard and commit to spending so many quality hours a day on your business without fail.

You are going to make mistakes, so get stuck in and make them early and learn from them. Be prepared to meet challenges along the way. This is all part of the business building process.

The time that your business takes to grow is going to depend on how long it takes you to get through the learning curves and implement the training as well as how many hours of quality work a day you have set aside to build your business.

This is why the growth phase of an internet business is different for everyone, hence the reason it is very difficult to answer the question: “When will I start making money?”

You need to give yourself as well as your business a chance. You don’t just dig the foundations and quit. You don’t stop once the walls are up; you carry on building and throw the slab for the next storey. Keep reminding yourself of the commitment you made to yourself at the start up and keep building your home internet business until you achieve online success. Good luck, keep building, it is worth it.

The Four Types of Mini Sites You Can Create and Make Money From

The Four Types of Mini Sites You Can Create and Make Money From
Mini-sites are growing up all over the web because they are so easy to set up and fast to provide a stream of passive income. You can become a webmaster in a couple of weeks and learn how to create many mini websites for fun or for profit.

A mini-site is a two or three page website that is designed for a specific task: either to sell something, get a subscription or to make money as an affiliate for somebody else.

There are four types of mini-sites you can create, without knowing any code, which can bring you four different streams of internet income.

1. Creating a "1-page" sales letter mini-site. Obviously, this is the first type of website that you will think of. A "1-page" sales letter mini-site’s main purpose is to sell your own product, whether it is an ebook, some software or multi-media product. When finished, your mini-site contains your sales letter page and your order page where people can download the product they just purchased. If you already have templates of these two, you can create your mini-site in 10 minutes flat.

2. Creating an "affiliate showcase" mini-site. An "affiliate Showcase" mini-site is an organized page where you offer a list of products people can buy. An affiliate is where you advertise someone’s product and when someone buy’s it, thanks to your publicity, you get a percentage. The products you recommend to your potential clients need to be related to each other. For example, If you are in the health and fitness industry, you will recommend a weight loss ebook or a good fitness equipment guide. You can include private sites to get a coach and/or a specific program on fitness.

3. Creating a "simple newsletter" mini-site Newsletters serve several purposes. A newsletter will help you position yourself as an expert, help you build credibility and rapport. Setting up a simple newsletter mini-site has one purpose only: get as many subscribers as possible. When you position yourself as an expert through the different issues of your newsletters which you send out every week, two weeks or even every month, you can recommend products or services related to your niche market. That's how you create another stream of income through newsletter or Ezine marketing.

4. Creating an "about me" page mini-site. An "About Me" page mini-site is simply a site where you will tell the world about yourself and your interests. On this page, you will set up links to your products, or newsletters to your affiliate's products. By getting traffic to this kind of site, you can convert people into buyers and make another streams of internet income.

You don't need to know programming. You don't need to be a computer geek, buy expensive software, or pay outrageous fees to a webmaster. With professional-looking templates, you can set up a mini-site with graphics, headlines and a mini sales letter in about 3 hours. If you want to elaborate a more complicated mini-site with a long sales letter, some compelling graphics, powerful headlines and a subscription box that will help you generate leads like crazy, you would spend 2 to 3 days.

Internet Income

Internet Income
Internet Commerce is a very fast growing field and is getting a lot of media attention. This is mainly because of ease of use of Internet and the fact that the person can work both, part time and full time. There is no time restriction or defined working hours. Also, the person can earn money online while sitting at his home and working on his Personal Computer. But due to increasing competition in this field, many e-commerce sites are failing due to high promotion and other costs. But that does not reduce the opportunities in this field. The key is to recognize your strengths and set up an online business to suit your style and the level of automation you require. The best part is that this can be done with your daily tasks. The promotion of websites must be for making sales and not just for getting visitors.

Some sites provide Internet income courses, frequently free of cost and the person can learn how to earn significant income online, directly or in form of residual commission. This kind of course is generally preferred by those who want to run their Internet business from home. A person can easily earn up to 1000 dollars a month by selling on Internet auction sites like eBay or Amazon. You can follow the simplest of business rule for this venture: Buy cheap and sell expensive. The difference is your profit. Running Affiliate programs can be very rewarding. Those who have been in this field for quite some time can earn in six figures every month. But Affiliate programs require expert guidance and some experience.

Some sites also offer up to 90 dollars for just answering a 10 – 15 minutes survey. This kind of Internet income is highly popular with part timers. Using multiple tools available, you can build an organization having active subscribers in almost no time or can also open your own online storefront on sites like eBay. One of the most risk free ventures is of working from home and providing Entrepreneurs with comprehensive support. This is one of the ventures that have been developed specially for women. Another risky field can be of selling quality eBooks. You can also promote an existing website, generate sales for them can you get certain returns.

Another very popular kind of Internet employment is blogging. You just have to give your opinion on current issues or any other thing under the sky. If your writing becomes popular, you get money. This job requires a lot of determination and is ideal for part timers.

Irrespective of the field chosen, truth remains that Internet Income is gaining popularity with each passing day and is no longer something that can be ignored. Due to the vastness of Internet, ample opportunities are provided for any kind of person. But like any other business, Internet Income is not easy and you need to be very alert to keep up with the pace with which this exciting world is building itself.

How To Earn Like A Super Affiliate With No Effort At All

How To Earn Like A Super Affiliate With No Effort At All
Internet offers us the opportunity to make a lot of money online. Usually, when you want to make a lot of money, the first thing that you have to do is you have to double up your effort in order to achieve your goals.

Sadly, people are born with a disease called laziness. Not many people have the drive to keep on working continuously without failed.

Lucky for us, a normal human being, with the internet at our disposal, there are ways for us to still achieve our dream of making a lot of money with or without any efforts at all with the ultimate business model that we called affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing offer us the opportunity to make a good income by promoting other people's product. Before we make any decision to join any affiliate program, we have to consider many factors. But the most important factor is to question yourself whether you have the drive to make a continuous effort in order to achieve your goals.

If your answer is no, you still have the chance to earn like a super affiliate by joining a 2 tier affiliate program.

While a 1 tier program usually offers a bigger commissions in terms of percentage when comparing to a 2 tier program, a 2 tier program offers us to become a super affiliate with almost no effort at all. We only have to become an affiliate member of one of the internet merchant and the only thing that we need to do is to recruit another people to join the program as their affiliate marketer.

Imagine of having thousands of affiliate army promoting a product that you don't have to create, a program that you don't have to build, a product that you don't even have to sell but you still make a handsome income every month. With no effort at all.

Nowadays, there are thousands of internet merchant offering a 2 tier program. We have to choose wisely before we come to a decision to join any 2 tier affiliate program to ensure that we can maximize our internet income. We have to join only the top program so that we can maximize our internet income from their proven track records. The top 3 of the internet merchants that offer a 2 tier program are:

1) Affiliate Classroom

Step-by-Step Training For All Levels of Affiliates When you join Affiliate Classroom, you'll have access to the same step by step training formula that generates in 11- 40% increases in business for their students. You'll not only learn how to launch and grow your own affiliate marketing business... You'll be part of the Affiliate Classroom family - a community of expert affiliate industry teachers, fellow students, and advanced marketers. The Affiliate Classroom affiliate system is a 2-tier program that awards affiliates $ 10 per sale for the first tier and $ 5 per sale for the 2nd tier. Affiliate Classroom's affiliate program pays a recurring commission - as long as the student you refer stays a member, you will continue to earn month after month!

2) Five Pillar Program

The Five Pillar Program is the affiliate program of SiteSell. They market a range of quality products to help online businesses. To ensure commissions are paid for the life of the customer, SiteSell uses lifetime cookies, an in-depth customer database and cross checking of customer details, making it one of the best tracked and most rewarding programs around. The Five Pillar Program is two-tier and pays between 15% and 30% commissions on the first tier and, depending on how much your referrals earn, up to 20% on the second.

3) ScamFree Zone

The ScamFree Zone Private Site is a great resource for people wanting to learn about Internet marketing, with tons of original material, lots of experts waiting to help for free and an active forum. Affiliates earn residual commission of 50% on monthly membership fees. That's $14.98 per member per month. This is a two-tier program paying 10% on second tier membership sales. Affiliates also earn 50% first tier and 10% second tier on the sale of quality products which include Internet Success Blueprint, Internet Success Diamonds, Internet Success Spider, Internet Success Interviews and Yahoo Exposed.

Actually you have to decide by yourself on whether any 2 tier affiliate program are tops on your list. Search for a 2 tier affiliate program that suits you. You can find more 2 tier affiliate program by searching for it with your favorite search engine or using a service like Clickbank and PayDotCom.

Start searching for the best 2 tier affiliate program and maybe one day you will earn like a super affiliate without any effort at all.

Home Business Remedies To Fit Your Busy Schedule

Home Business Remedies To Fit Your Busy ScheduleIf you are pressed for time but still want to start your own home business, there are several possible solutions. Earning an Internet income doesn't have to be stressful - it can actually be fun. If your dream is to work at home while enjoying a lucrative Internet income, read below for some home business remedies to fit your busy schedule and financial needs.

Home Business Schedule

Even with a home business you should set a certain time aside each day to work on your business. Do your best to stick with a work schedule just as you would at any other job. If you plan to work eight hours per day, let this be the limit. Don't neglect your family and personal hobbies. You'll need some time away from your desk and/or computer to relax and clear your thoughts. Also, remember to exercise. Working on a computer all day can be detrimental to your physical health if you neglect daily exercise.

If working a part-time schedule, keep on track with your business and lifestyle by setting aside a few hours or one whole day each week to work. You might work at another full-time job while building your home business, so keep a healthy balance between the two and don't over-work yourself.

Save Time with an Internet Marketing Group

When working within a limited time frame, you won't have much time to promote your home business. Working with an Internet marketing group will help relieve much of this burden. An Internet marketing group will market the business for you, provide lead generation, and in some cases, even close the sale for you.

Another benefit is you can take advantage of their call centre where they will answer your customers' questions. With the free advertising they provide, your out-of-pocket expenses will be minimal. You'll be able to concentrate on other aspects of your business.

Use the Products of Others to Earn an Internet Income

Selling your own products takes time and money. You have to produce a product or service and take the time to ship products or to provide your own services. There are many companies online today that will allow you to sell their products for profit. You find the customers while they fulfill the orders. From affiliate programs to MLM products and drop shipping, your opportunities are limitless online.

Time-Saving Home Business Products

If you're thinking of selling your own products or services, choose products that require little investment and have a high profit margin. Informational products such as e-books are among the top sellers online today. E-books are downloadable so there's nothing to print or ship. Your customers can download an e-book immediately after the purchase from an auto-response email. Once this is set up, you will be free to promote your home business. You'll only need to update the e-book from time to time.

Other time-saving home business products include high-profit crafts or items you can make from your own home, Web services such as web design or graphic design, Internet marketing services, training materials, books, and many others.

Remember, find a home business that suits your lifestyle. Choose a business that you enjoy and use the tips above to maximize your Internet income while saving time for your personal life.

Work At Home Business Ideas To Earn Extra Income Online From Home

Work At Home Business Ideas To Earn Extra Income Online From HomeThere are thousands of extra online income ideas and it is really important that you do your research to find the right one for you. If you are new to working on the internet then perhaps it would be a good idea to look for programs that provide full training and support.

You need to find a solid program with a good track record that has been around on the internet for a few years, otherwise you could find yourself going from program to program and literally getting nowhere and losing money along the way.

Do not get sucked in by all the hype and promises of high earnings. There are plenty of scams on the internet and you need to understand that the internet does not supply a platform to earn easy money, as many advertisements may imply.

Ideally a program that has already done all the research into the extra online income ideas and affiliate programs as well as provide a website and training would be the answer.

If you are going to only be working in the evenings to make an income online, you need to capitalize on the few hours you have available. It is no secret that it takes a lot of hard work to make an income online and most of the work is in the actual marketing of the product or website.

In light of the above then a good work at home income idea would be to start your own online home business so that you have full control of your website and earn multiple streams of residual income by joining about five affiliate programs and adding them to your website. You would then use the same amount of effort to market five programs as you would to market one program.

You would then need to consider very carefully the affiliate programs you join. It is important to join programs that have proven themselves and been around on the internet for a few years. You do not want to waste your time marketing programs that could end up disappearing from the internet or those that are not consistent in paying their affiliates. You will be working hard to earn the extra income so you need to make sure that you are guaranteed to get paid.

It would be a good idea also to have a mix of programs that complement each other on your website. Perhaps one that sold for example products which are in high demand, another could be a hosting company that pays residual income, then perhaps a residual income traffic generating program. You could add some Clickbank products as well to earn extra income. A program offering internet marketing training products would add to the mix well.

By having a selection of programs on your website you will be catering for a wider selection of visitors to your website giving you a greater chance of earning extra income online at home.

Once you have made your decision it is advisable to let those you live with know what you are doing and dedicate time each day to turn your work at home extra income ideas into a reality.

Website Tips For Generating Income From The Internet

Website Tips For Generating Income From The Internet
If you are doing business on the internet your website is foundation of your business. It is very important for you to understand various ways to set up your website and drive traffic to it. Also designing your website correctly will help you to maximize your conversion rate.

Here are a few tips for designing your website.

Opt-In Form: Having an opt-in form on your website so that people can subscribe to your newsletter is one of the best ways to increase your value per visitor. The reason being is that once you capture your traffic's e-mail you can use it to build a relationship with your subscriber which is one of the most important components of converting traffic into sales.

If people know you and like you they will buy from you. It is that simple. By just allowing traffic to come to your site and then leave, you will never be able to build a relationship. When you have a subscriber's e-mail address you can build a long lasting relationship with the subscriber which will allow you to harness the true power of converting your website traffic into sales.

Blog Marketing: No matter if you are selling physical products, services, or information products blog marketing should be a key component of generating income from your website. If you have an ecommerce website selling products you can simply develop a blog in a subdirectory of your website and use this as a marketing funnel to sell your products.

For instance, your blog would be located at On the blog you would post reviews, tips and other related information about your products. These blog postings would then funnel into your ecommerce store to sell your products.

There are substantial advantages to blog marketing. You can profit immensely by driving traffic to your website by using some of the web 2.0 features of blogs and also by getting links in the many thousand blog directories on the Internet.

Also allowing users to comment on your blog posting can be another way to build a relationship with your users which will lead to more sales in the future.

Lastly, as part of your blog marketing strategy do not forget to have an opt-in form so you can capture e-mail address on the blog as well.

Organic Search Engine Optimization: Improved search engine rank in the organic search engine result can have a dramatic impact on your websites traffic and income you generate from the Internet. Designing your website with this in mind will help you generate income well into the future. Here are some tips:

1. Title Tags: On each page of your website it is critical the title tags mentions the keyword you are trying to target at least once. It is preferable if the keywords are earlier than later in the tag. But do not just put keywords in the title tag. You need to make the title tag catchy because this is what shows up in the search results. If it is not catchy then nobody will click on it. Do not make your title tag to long you keep it to 60 characters or less.

2. Meta Description: The meta description should be approached similar the title tag. Make sure the keywords you are targeting are in the meta description and that you make it catchy. It can be a little longer than the title tag but try to keep it less than 200 characters.

3. Website Copy: In your website copy make you sales copy with keywords in mind. Have an header tag with the page keyword in it and also look for related keywords that are semantically related. For instance, a related keyword to income is profit so I would use both of these keywords in my sales copy if I am selling a book on how to generate income on the internet.

4. Links: Get lots of relevant links to your site from other high quality websites in your niche. These links will help your website rank in the search engines. Be sure to include your keywords in your links and put a good length description around your link. Links to your website embedded in content seem to count more so this is a good focus as well.

Following these website tips will get your website generating income from the internet at a rapid pace!

How To Make Internet Income With Clickbank Marketplace Products

How To Make Internet Income With Clickbank Marketplace ProductsIn order to make internet income you need to be promoting products or services and by becoming a Clickbank Affiliate you have access to a vast range of products and services all ready just to be marketed. If you have developed your own digital product or service then you can become a Clickbank Publisher and make web income by listing your own products for sale in this high-traffic marketplace.

Registering with Clickbank as an affiliate is free and you will have instant access to over 10,000 products and services with commissions as high as 75%, making it a very attractive method of making internet income. They have a fast and accurate tracking system and a reliable and dependable payment system.

When registering you will be asked to create your own Nickname or username, which is all that is required to get you started. Your nickname will be incorporated into the referring url of the products you choose to market and that is how Clickbank tracks your sales.

The great advantage of marketing and selling these products is that no administration is required on your part. Clickbank handles everything, from recording the details of the sale, handling the payments, refunds and charge-backs, to ultimately paying you every two weeks. It is a great way to make internet income or to add another stream of income to your existing online home business income and it is easy to search for products that appeal to you and fit the theme of your website.

Once you have selected a few products that you would like to market, you do not have to purchase the products first. You simply look for the affiliate link on the product page and sign up as an affiliate, or in some cases you do not need to even register as an affiliate. You just need to make sure that you add your Clickbank Nickname or username to the referring url. Many programs just ask you to enter your nickname and it will generate your referral url for you.

In most cases you will be provided with a variety of marketing material, just as banners, text links, email messages and examples of adverts which you can freely use to promote the product. Some go as far as even providing you with the keywords to use for pay per click marketing.

There are many ways to promote the Clickbank products and your internet marketing skills will be the key to how much internet income you generate. If you have previously purchased a product and found it to be successful, it is a great idea to write a review about the product and post it on your blog with a link containing your referral url to the product page. You can also make internet income by submitting your review to article directories for added exposure and also commenting in forums about your experience with the product.

Be sure to login to your Clickbank account regularly to check how much internet income you have generated and you will also see a great deal of information is provided such as, details of each sale you have made, what products you have sold as well as the history of cheques paid and due to you.

How Internet Income Training Improves Your Chance Of Success Online

How Internet Income Training Improves Your Chance Of Success OnlineThere is the common misconception that it is easy to make an income online and newcomers to the internet arena are not always familiar with what it takes to make web income and therefore fail to look for an online home business opportunity that provides internet income training or to fully commit to the first vital step of completing and implementing the training.

These surfers are using search terms such as, inter alia, online home business ideas, how to start an online home business, how to generate income from the web, way to make an income online, work at home online ideas, internet income from home and legitimate online business, which is an indication that they are in need of internet income training.

Those failing to take advantage of the training that is provided with legitimate online home business opportunities, contribute to the high percentage of people who quit a program before they have hardly got started or waste a considerable amount of money jumping from one program to the next looking for that non-existent get rich quick scheme.

The internet is a very fast moving and complex environment and even the experienced internet marketers never stop learning. They continually keep themselves abreast of new developments in technology, new internet marketing ideas and new internet income training and marketing programs.

If you start an online home business it must be treated like any other business. There is always a learning curve while you learn the ropes when you start a new job or open up a normal business, so why fail to take advantage of the internet income training when you start an online home business?

We have come to expect immediate gratification and many people think that they can start an online home business today and generate an income tomorrow without having to devote any of their time to learn how to successfully launch and build their new business. It appears that many view the internet as a sort of fairy land where magic prevails and every wish is granted. It actually is not surprising that many do think this way as the internet is full of programs that do promise the earth.

When you start an online home business you are going to need all the help that you can get. You need to give yourself every chance of success so why skip the opportunity to learn what is required to build your business? Such as learning html in order to make changes to your website, how to launch a blog and start attracting free traffic, write good adverts, write and publish articles, use an autoresponder, start a linking campaign, optimize your website for the search engines to achieve high rankings and attract free targeted traffic, learn successful internet marketing tactics as well as have access to a forum where you can get all the help you need plus access to valuable online home business marketing tools.

These are just a few of the many things you will learn when you fully commit your time and effort to the internet income training guide provided with the online home business opportunity that you choose to join. My advice is to go through the training thoroughly, do not try and rush it, lay a solid foundation on which to build your business. The 30 Days to Success step by step training guide that I was provided with when I started my own online home business has been the reason I have been able to build my business to what it is today.

To give yourself the greatest chance of success online, it is important to join a program that provides you with a comprehensive internet income training guide, complete it thoroughly and implement the strategies in order to build a successful online home business that will provide you with web income.

Instant Internet Income

Instant Internet IncomeContrary to the mainstream notion that it "takes money to make money" in business, the Internet has leveled the playing field. Sure, big companies such as Google and Yahoo have millions of dollars to spend on advertising campaigns and product development. But did you know that it is possible to make money on the Internet right now, without having to spend a single penny?

It is actually a ridiculously simple method. Here is all you need:

Internet access (which you already have otherwise you wouldn't be reading this right now).
Good written communication skills.
A topic that you are passionate about or have some general knowledge about.
A product that fills a need, provides a service, solves a problem, or is in consumer demand that relates to the topic you chose in #3.
Good typing skills.
The ability to search Google to find discussion forums pertinent to item #3 above.
A PayPal account.
A checking or savings account (optional, for use with PayPal).
A set amount of free time per day. Anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.
An e-mail address.
That's all you need in order to get started. You will NOT need any money for advertising nor will you need your own website, and you definitely will not need to carry any inventory or merchandise. This is a pure 100% Internet campaign for making money on the Internet for free.

Okay, now that you have all of the above 8 items accounted for, what do you actually need to do in order to start making instant Internet income today? If you follow the steps enumerated below, you will be well on your way to generating income instantly. With a little bit of luck and perseverance, you could be earning your first dollar today if not in the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours.

How much money can you expect to make using these steps? The answer depends entirely on you. You will get out of this business model what you put into it. Basically you need to put in the time and the effort. The more you put in, the more money you will make, more quickly. You could be making a few dollars every few days or you could be raking in hundreds of dollars per day, depending on how well you can adapt this technique to suit your personal ambitions to make money online for free.

So what do you actually need to do?

In a nutshell, you will participate in online discussion forums on the Internet while passively advertising a particular product or service from which you will derive income from commissions for each sale. This is commonly known as affiliate marketing. If put into practice properly, you could literally be making money within hours after you get started. Essentially, you are getting paid to discuss various topics of interest with other people on the Internet while promoting a product or service. This is not the same as spamming because you are not writing advertisements for your products. You are engaging in lively discussions on the Internet with other people and passively or implicitly inviting others to check out your product or service. A more specific name for this type of affiliate marketing is forum marketing. And because participation in most forums is free, there is absolutely no advertising cost!

It is really that simple.

Instant Internet income is easy to achieve. If you are looking to make some quick cash, then forum marketing is an easy venue to get into. For tips on how to get started with forum marketing and tips on how to do it effectively, visit

3 Tips To Succeed With Affiliate Programs

3 Tips To Succeed With Affiliate ProgramsrmationDear friends, when it comes to promoting affiliate programs
we all follow a certain defined process. We first go to ,type affiliate programs in the search field. When
the results get displayed we look for "high paying" affiliate
programs. By "high paying" I mean those who pay 25% commissions.

Then we visit each and every website listed and join the
programs becuse they are free! to join. We put all sorts of
banners and text ads on our links page and expect to see a
check in our mail box the next morning.

Well, I am here going to reveal a very different way of
promoting affiliate programs. Let us revise the process

Step 1> Search for affiliate programs with your favorite
search engine. Look for only those affiliate programs whcich
have products which interests you. For example if you are
interested in "radio controlled airplanes" then look for such
products first. Don't start with promoting "herbal shampoos"
or "yoga cd's" just because they pay 40% commissions.

Since you already know a little about rc planes it wiil be
much easier for you to promote various aspects of the

So when selecting the affiliate prgram keep in mind the
following sequence

a)Product which you know about or are interested in.
b)Qulaity of the product. To know the quality of the
product it is advisavle to buy the product yourself
c)The organisation associated with the product. Look for
the promotional material they are giving to affiliates.
This shows the confidence of the manufacturer in their own
d)Commission structure. Some webmasters provide 2 tier
commission structure. Some have a threshhold amout before
the affiliates get paid. Here is a nice place to sart with.
This is a list which contains 50 affiliate Programs That Pay
AT LEAST 50% commissions.


Step 2> Design a simple landing page to "presell" the product
before sending the visitors to actual sales page. Now this step
is extremely imporant. Why do you to presell the product ?. This
is because this is internet. No one knows you here or has seen
you personally.

Normally when someone buys from the internet he is going to look
for similar 4-5 products before he gets to the final decision.
Here if he comes to your affiliate landing page it becomes
much easier for him to compare the product you want to promote
with similar 4-5 products in the category.

The landing page you have designed can have testimonials, which
you can borrow from the sales page. It can also contain your
own experience about the product. You can use before/after
situations for describing the benefits of the product. You can use
photographs of yourself using the product successfully. This
adds instant credibility to the product you want to promote.

Step 3>When the visitors reach your landing page you must have
a system to capture their names and email addresses. Because
as I said earlier there are many people who look for similar
4-5 products before buying. By capturing email addresse you can
"follow up" your subscribers later on using newsletters or
product features using email autoresponders.

The best way to capture email addresses is to provide a
free gift related to the product. This free gift can be
an eBook written by you or many webmasters already have an
ebook written for the affiliates. SO again this is a very
importan tpoint, join only those programs where you will find
a decent promitional material already prepared for the

That's it friends. I hope these words were helpful. I wish
you good lick in your affiliate promotional journey

How To Profit From 2 Tier Affiliate Programs And Build A Sub

How To Profit From 2 Tier Affiliate Programs And Build A SubBefore I get into depth with this article I first want you to have a good understanding of what a '2 Tier' affiliate program is and there advantages. Then from there I'll go on to explain how you can start recruiting Sub-Affiliate's by simply locating the Super-Affiliate's within your Niche market.

First... lets define what a '2 Tier' affiliate program is.

A '2 Tier' affiliate program is simply a program that is designed to work on a 2 tier payment structure. And what I mean by that is that you'll get paid on both the 1st tier(you) and 2nd tier(your sub-affiliates) of the program you choose to promote.

Now, with that said, let's go a little deeper into what the advantages of a '2 Tier' affiliate program are so that you'll be able to visualize in your head why these programs are being considered the most Powerful programs on the Net and more importantly... how they can put Profits in your hand, on Auto-Pilot, 24/7/365 with little effort on your part.

Lets first talk about the advantages and for the purpose of this article I'm going to give you three of the main ones:

you get paid 'Higher' commissions on your 1st tier (usually between 25% - 65% depending on the vendor)

you have the ability to 'Recruit' sub-affiliates(your 2nd tier) to promote the program for you

and you can form 'Joint Ventures' with other website and/or list owners within your specified Niche market

Is the 'Light-Bulb' starting to flicker inside your head?

Are you starting to see WHY these programs are so Powerful and Versatile?

I certainly hope so.

Now that you see the main advantages to these programs your probably asking yourself... "well, where can I find a complete listing of these programs so I don't have to spend alot of time looking for them on the web?"

Well... it just so happens that I know of a few top affiliate directories that have a complete searchable database full of '2 Tier' affiliate programs in whatever category you are looking for.

I will list two of the of Top affiliate directories for the purposes of this article that I use to locate these programs:

2 Tier Affiliate Directory

Associate Affiliate Directory

I think these two directories alone will keep you busy.

There are many affiliate directories out there on the WWW, but these two I find are the most popular and have the best selection.

Now that you have an idea of what '2 Tier' affiliate programs are, there advantages and where to locate these programs on the web lets talk about 'How' you can start recruiting some Sub-Affiliate's within the next 24 hours by simply locating the Super-Affiliate's within your Niche market via the search engines.

In order to do this exercise properly you're going to need two Very important webmaster tools. These tools are Free so you don't have to worry about paying anything up front or any monthly subscription fee's for there use.

The 1st tool you need to get is the 'Google Toolbar'. This toolbar is used to gauge a websites PR(Link Popularity) within the search engines. Generally, a website with a PR of 5 or higher are the types of websites you want to find and are where the Super-Affiliate's usually reside.

Click the link I've provided below and install the toolbar.


And the 2nd tool you need to get is the 'Alexa Toolbar'. This toolbar is used to gauge a websites overall Traffic Ranking. You'll want to find websites with a traffic ranking of 50,000 or lower. This is where you'll find the Super-Affiliate's.

Click the link I've provided below and install the toolbar.


Now that you have those two tools installed on your computer you Now have the ability to find Super-Affiliate's through gauging their websites overall 'Traffic Ranking' and 'Link Popularity' which brings use to the next step... "Locating the Super-Affiliates".

A 'Super-Affiliate', just so you know, is simply a webmaster who has a high traffic website and/or a large targeted mailing list and has the ability to sell more in a day then you could in a month.

Generally, and this is just a guideline I use when contacting these webmasters, I look for websites with at least a PR of 5 and a Traffic Ranking of 50,000 or less. This way, if they don't have a large mailing list they at least have a high traffic website or Visa-Versa.

This next step is where the fun begins because we'll be using search engines to locate the Super-Affiliate's and for this exercise lets go to the all famous 'Google' search engine at --

Now... once the page loads simply type in the Keyword or Keywords or Keyword Phrase that targets your particular Niche market you are targeting within the search form Google provides.

For the purpose of this exercise lets use the keywords 'internet marketing'.

By now you should be looking at a page full of listings under the Keywords or Keyword Phrase you targeted, which in this case was 'internet marketing'.

Now, simply start clicking on the links that you think might make a good 'Sub-Affiliate' to the program you are recruiting for.

By using the two toolbars you installed earlier you'll now be able to identify if this website is a Super-Affiliate by the websites overall 'Link Popularity' and 'Traffic Ranking' by using the guidelines I stated earlier.

If you like the web stats you see and you think they would make a suitable sub-affiliate to your program all you have to do from this point is look for the webmasters contact details listed on their website and send them a proposition to join your program.

If you can't find there contact details on there website you can usually find them by using the 'Alexa' toolbar. Just click on the 'Alexa' button in the upper left corner of your browser. This will bring you to there main page. You'll usually find there contact details listed mid-way down.

And if you're worried about being accused of 'Spamming', well... you don't have too simply because your not sending them an Unsolicited Advertisement, your sending them a Business Proposition.

There's a BIG difference.

Now, with that said, lets move on to the Final segment of this article... 'Joint Ventures'.

'Joint Ventures' are simply an collaboration or partnership undertaken by two or more entities(webmasters) for a mutual gain, usually profit sharing.

Who make the best JV partners and Why?

Ezine/Newsletter owners make the best JV partners simply because they have already done all the work and have built highly targeted mailing lists. Some have Large lists and some have Small lists. Point being... they're highly targeted to whatever Niche market you're targeting.

How do '2 Tier' affiliate programs work in this kind of arrangement?

They work just the same as recruiting website owners, but instead you're strictly contacting list owners with highly targeted lists and propositioning them to join your program for a share of the profits.

Where can you find these Ezine/Newsletter owners?

You can find thousands of them on the WWW through Ezine/Newsletter directories, but I'll only list just a few top resources to save you the hassle.

Ezine Universe

Ezine Hub


Netter Web

Ezine Search

These directories have large searchable databases full of thousands of Ezine/Newsletters that target any category you are looking for to promote your program(s). And these are only a few of whats available to you on the Net.

Well... there you have it in a nut shell.

I just revealed to you some of the most Powerful marketing technique's being used online today by many of the Top internet marketers and how they are able to build there Sub-Affiliate army's and generate loads of Free targeted traffic to there websites without spending a penny on advertising.

And... the best part about this is... you can start doing the same within the Next 24 hours.

Earning from PPC Search Engine Affiliate Programs

Earning from PPC Search Engine Affiliate Programs
What are PPC Search Engines?

PPC Search Engines are search engines that allow advertisers to list their site within their search results on a pay per click basis. Advertisers bid against other advertisers for the same keywords or phrases. The highest bidder will then have their site ranked #1 in the PPC Search Engine results for a certain keyword followed by the second highest bidder for the same keyword followed by the third highest bidder for the same keyword, etc.

When a visitor then does a search in the PPC Search Engine and clicks on an advertisers bided link, the advertisers account will then get deducted for that click. This only happens once per unique visitor. So if that same visitor clicked on the same advertisers bided link twice, then the advertisers account will only get deducted for the first click.

Why is it easier to earn from PPC Search Engines than other affiliate programs?

PPC Search Engine affiliate programs are a good and easy way to earn some quick cash online. It is a lot easier to earn from PPC Search Engines than most other affiliate programs because you earn from your visitors click-thru’s to an advertisers site and not per action or sale.

Where can I find PPC Search Engines that offer affiliate programs?

There are only a few good resources on the Internet that lists a large amount of PPC Search Engines. Most of these are either outdated where they have a lot of PPC Search Engines that don’t exist anymore or only mainly gives information about a PPC Search Engines advertising offers.

If you were looking to join some PPC Search Engines that offer affiliate programs so that you can earn some quick and easy cash, then a useful resource to use would be

This is because it lists over 375 PPC Search Engines where you can easily compare what each PPC Search Engines affiliate program has to offer and you can even organize the PPC Search Engines results by Date Added, Minimum Payout, Earnings, etc.

I have joined a PPC Search Engine. How do I go about advertising it so that I can earn from it?

Once you have joined a PPC Search Engine, you can then easily get promotional links/ material from the affiliate section of the PPC Search Engine account where you can then use them to advertise the PPC Search Engine that you have joined.

Most PPC Search Engines allow you to advertise them by using search boxes, an xml feed, text links, referral links, banners, a portal page, and more.

11 Tips for Joining Affiliate Programs

11 Tips for Joining Affiliate Programs
Here are some things that I look for before joining an affiliate
program. They are items I feel are imperative to being in a
successful affiliate program.

1. The affiliate program has a great payment structure. For me, a
high commission that is also a high percentage of the purchase price
is essential. Nothing under 25% commission.

2. Make sure the affiliate program you are joining has a good looking
site. You do not want to be sending visitors to a site that you do
not like yourself.

3. Make sure they offer a comprehensive affiliate statistics page
that lists the number of click throughs, number of sales and amount
earned. This should be broken down per month.

4. Also make sure that the affiliate statistics are updated
automatically and immediately. You do not want to find out today
about a sale you made a week ago.

5. Ensure they give a wide variety of text links, banners and
graphics to put on your web page. Although I prefer text links,
certain types of banners and graphics still work well.

6. Know how often you are going to be paid. If you are tossing up
between 2 programs and one pays monthly and the other pays quarterly,
the one that pays monthly is better. You do not want to wait months
before getting paid for your hard work!

7. See if the affiliate program gives examples of how the top
affiliates are doing. This can be a great pointer to whether it is
good or not. If some affiliates are earning many thousands per month,
it is a good affiliate program.

8. Along these lines, also see if they give examples of what
marketing methods these successful affiliates are using to get the
best results.

9. An affiliate program that offers a special monthly newsletter just
for the affiliates is great. Here you can get extra tips and
techniques that are working well.

10. See if they offer email notification when you make a sale or get
an affiliate signed up under you (if it is a 2-tier program). It is
good to see `You have made another sale' in your inbox.

11. Ensure top level support is given. If they cannot answer your
query straight away make sure they can respond within 48 hours.

There is tremendous demand for affiliate programs and choosing the
right one is no easy task. Make sure you do plenty of research before
joining one.

Top 5 Tips for Frustrated Affiliate Program Marketers

Top 5 Tips for Frustrated Affiliate Program MarketersDo you go through affiliate programs like most people go through pairs of socks? Many Internet marketers do. In fact, 97% of all Internet marketers never make a single cent advertising opportunities on the Internet. They jump from one opportunity to the next and never see results. If you want to break free from this cycle of failure-- if you want to earn a living off of your Internet ventures--continue reading. I will tell you exactly how you can earn money from any legitimate affiliate program.

In order to get the most information from what I am about to explain to you, you must accept that these methods are not intended to be "secrets." These are scientifically-proven, best-practice methods that all top marketers use. If you want results, you will have to do and continue to do the following five things:

1. Know your product. Do not advertise for a product or affiliate program that you are not currently using. I cannot even count the amount of affiliate programs and product offers I have rejected immediately from people who know very little about what they are actually promoting. If you want to make money selling a product or service, you have to use it, understand it, and be able to convince your prospects that they should own it. If you yourself do not believe in it-- because you have not even tried it--then you will have a hard time convincing anyone else it is worthwhile.

2. Know your field. You must continually become more knowledgeable about the market in which you are selling your product or service. For instance, I try to read at least 50 pages on Internet marketing each day to complement the marketing I do. This keeps me learning about my field. The best part about this is that you can do it without spending any money at all. The Internet is loaded with free content sites where you can find free ebooks and special reports on any subject. The Internet is also loaded with affiliate program promoters who are out-selling you. Use google to find these sites and then reverse engineer them--pick apart the source code, page setup, and content layout to find out how you can become more like your competition who is outselling you.

3. Focus your efforts and limit your innovation. As much as "limiting your innovation" may go against your business instincts, it is an absolute must with a limited marketing budget. Figure out what works for you scientifically by measuring your advertising results. When you find something that works, stick with it. If you are getting traffic from reciprocal links, continue to build them. If you are getting constant sign-ups from your newsletter, improve your newsletter and order more leads. Do not stray far from your original plan. Preset the amount of innovative ideas you want to try out each night, but center your marketing efforts around getting better results from methods that have already worked for you.

4. Spend money wisely. The Internet is loaded with scams and bad information. It is really easy to be tricked into blowing money on "get rich quick" schemes and information that you can find in free resources. I personally have spent thousands of dollars needlessly. But do not get me wrong; I am not saying there are no legitimate affiliate promotion services or information products out there: I am saying that the vast majority of them do not work as well as they say they do. So hold onto your cash. When you find a product that multiple people have personally recommended to you, then consider buying it. Otherwise, conserve your cash for purchasing services or products that will produce hard, definite results, such as email leads for your newsletter or phone leads you can contact personally to promote your program.

5. Remember that your success is dependent on your choices and your work alone. If you get upset about not becoming successful with a specific affiliate program, do not blame the program--blame yourself. Do a thorough analysis of what you could be doing better and how you could be making quantitative progress every single day. There are people who do not pay any money at all for promotional services and yet are still able to make a living just from using free tools on the Internet. If they can do it, there is no reason at all why you cannot. Joining a marketing group or forum in your field will help you realize this reality. Seeing and talking to people who are succeeding in your field will remind you that it is entirely possible to make money online without having a million dollars to begin with.

While there are some "secrets" to getting more sign-ups and site visitors, the bigger part of affiliate program marketing is following a sound business plan. If you keep the five concepts I have listed above central to your marketing campaign, you will not fail. But, if you continue to market sporadically--switching from product to product and method to method--you will never break out of that 97% who never make money.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Are You Making These Mistakes With Your Affiliate Program?

You spend a few weeks putting together, or finding your
product - now you can sit back while your own ARMY of
eager sales people drive sales and fill your bank account.

Sound about right?

It can happen to you.

You really can develop an online business where the vast
majority of your sales come from others who are eager to
share your product with their customers and subscribers.

Unfortunately 95% of the affiliate programs out there don't
follow the success patterns and they pay the price -- no
sales, inactive affiliates, lots of administration.

Here's the truth about average affiliate programs...

1. On average, 5% of your affiliates will be active --
which means 95% will NEVER generate ANY traffic or sales.
2. Less than 2% will be SUPER affiliates which will drive
BIG sales
3. For most affiliate programs - less than 1% will stay
with you over 6-months

But wait...

There are some set principles you can follow to make your
affiliate program a massive success -- and when you do --
you really can sit back and enjoy the incredible results.

Try these now.

Success Tip 1. Arm Yourself With Affiliate Tracking

There are quite a few options out there.

What you need is a system that allows affiliates to sign up,
see their statistics (hits, repeat hits, returns, sales,
commissions, payment status, etc...)

You want a system where all of this is automated, that you
can use to offer multiple products, that you can customize
commissions (for special joint venture endorsements) and
that you can track commissions to be paid and those that
have been paid.

Based on personal experience, my preferences are either...

Ultimate Affiliate Software - $200


AssocTrac - $677

There are also programs where you pay a monthly fee, but
generally these require you to pay out over 15% of each
sale -- OK if you only make a few sales each month, but if
you bank on being successful, you'll want your own software.

Success Tip 2: Actively Pursue Super Affiliates

Massive success with affiliate programs depends on you
seeking out "super affiliates"

You have something great to offer webmasters, business
owners, ezine publishers -- they just don't know it yet.

Approach them with partnership in mind - open the door
by complimenting their business, send an offer they
can't refuse and follow up to maintain the relationship.

Use tools like the toolbar from to
help find sites that have a good supply of traffic.

Every market has a buying cycle.

Determine where your product fits in the buying cycle,
and approach related websites, ezine publishers.

For example, you have a book on computer security.
Who might you target?

Sites that deal with computer software, PC support,
PC utilities, computer games, DSL (which creates
a more vulnerable "always on" connection to your PC)

Success Tip 3: Make Sure Your Product Has A PSP!

What's your Powerful Selling Proposition?

If you had to write one sentence describing the
ultimate benefit of your product - what would it be?

For example...For the security book -- "This Secure
Your PC Book will making Bulletproofind Your PC as
simple as Turning It on!"

If you don't have a PSP - you better get one RIGHT

The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur's Success Package
can help you create or fine-tune your products to
attract massive demand...

Not only does the fate of your affiliate program depend
on this - so does your entire online marketing success.

Success Tip 4: Your Affiliates Are People To

It's to easy to sign up hundreds, even thousands of
affiliates and look at them as numbers or JUST names.

Make your affiliate program stand out by contacting
your affiliates - personally, either via personal email,
telephone, or regular newsletter.

Help them be more successful with their affiliate

Yanik Silver has written the book on nurturing his
affiliates -- his main success for...

Another master of affiliate follow up is Marlon Sanders

Success Tip 5: Continue To Improve Your Business

To keep your most successful affiliates, you'll want
to keep providing new products for them to earn
money with.

They can only market a single product to their lists
so often -- if you have more products coming through
your pipeline, you'll find those affiliates will stay
with you and work with you to a greater extent.

In addition - plan your price points and margins for
your products with affiliate marketing in mind.

Can you turn your $27 eBook into a $67 course?

How about a $197 multimedia course?

Many super affiliates will not even LOOK at a product
unless it sells for at least $50 and they get 45%+
of that product.

This does depend on the market, but the principle holds
true -- higher payouts will motivate super affiliates
to be more active, longer.

Don't underestimate the power of affiliate programs.

Joint ventures and affiliate programs go hand-in-hand.

These two ADVANCED marketing techniques can easily mean
the difference between struggling online to making a
very good living online.

Now you know how!

Affiliate Program Intro

What is an affiliate program? Everyone who surfs the web has come across affiliate programs. You may have seen a banner on a website that says, “click here”, and once you do, you get access to whatever’s being promoted. Or you could click on a link in an email you’ve received. You’re using someone’s affiliate program.
Basically, the company that sells the product sets up an automated way for people to be paid a set amount to help them promote their products or services. The links send you to the company’s website where you can buy the product. The owner of the originating website or email gets a fee for taking you there.
The bookstore Amazon was the first company to heavily promote affiliate marketing on the internet. Although this type of marketing is ideal for businesses that only operate online, it's also become popular with businesses that have both an online and bricks and mortar presence.
Affiliate programs are an ideal way to make your web site profitable. With the huge range of affiliate programs now available, there’s almost bound to be something to suit you and your website.
How it works
Perhaps you’ve created a website about the city where you live. People find your website while searching for information about your city. Once they’ve read your pages they check out your recommendations. They might click a link to book a flight there. You get paid a commission. Then they clink your link that points them to somewhere they can book a hotel room. Another commission for you. Then they might want to buy a guide-book or street map. Yet another commission.
Or perhaps you have a website connected with your hobby. Maybe you want to share your enthusiasm about the crafts you do. Your website could point people towards suppliers, books on the subject, magazine subscriptions…the list is endless. And all the time you’re earning your commission.
The commission is paid in different ways according to the company you’re affiliated to. You can be paid per impression, per click, per lead or per sale. The stronger the likelihood of a sale, the higher your commission will be.

The advantages for you
There’s no need for you to develop the products – it’s already been done. All you need to do is to pick the best out of those available. You don't need to spend money on making or storing the product. Sending people to your affiliate merchants means you don’t need to take or process a single order, or worry about processing payments. You don't have to handle or mail the product - your merchants do that. You don’t have to offer customer support. Affiliate programs are usually free to join. You can run your affiliate business part time for a little extra cash while making minimal effort.
Choosing your affiliates
It’s worth spending some time making sure that you choose the right companies to affiliate with. Different companies have different requirements. Some require you to have a minimum number of visitors to your website, while others require you to have your own domain name.
The best way to choose an affliate program that will suit you is according to the type of people who visit your website. If your website is about guitars, you’re unlikely to have much success with affiliating with a company that sells gardening products. The first thing you need to do is know your target audience.
You also might consider whether you want to join every single affliate program that comes your way. A lot of people find that they make the most money from using only a small number of programs. Also, concentrating your advertisements may allow you to be paid faster.
Sometimes, it can be hard to choose between two similar companies. What works well for someone else may not be the best choice for you. It’s not just about how much money you can make – you’ll want to feel confident in your recommendations.
You can maximize your income by thinking beyond the obvious. If your website is aimed at parents, obviously you might think of affiliating to a toy company. But what about books, clothes, videos, DVDs, child oriented software…
If you’re thinking about affiliating with two similar websites, you might want to choose the one that easiest to use or offers the greater benefit to a visitor, even if it pays less in commissions. You'll do best with programs that represent a subject you're personally interested in. Your own interest in the subject will entice others.
To join an affiliate program, you simply go to the site and complete their online application form. Some programs approve you instantly, while others check out your application before it is approved. Once it’s approved, you're given some HTML code that you can cut and paste onto your web page.
How do I make my money?
Before joining any program, you should probably be aware of the different payment programs available.
Pay Per Impression
Here you are paid according to the number of times the advertiser's banner is displayed on your site. The amount paid is usually small, but it is easy to earn as everytime a visitor loads the page, you earn. The more vistors your site attracts, the more you earn.
Pay Per Click
With this method you’re only paid when visitors click the advertiser's banner on your site. It generally pays higher than the pay per impression program. You’ll get better results if your banners are carefully selected to suit your target audience.
Pay Per Sale or Lead
You only earn if your visitors click through the banner and buy the product or service.
Often, to avoid wasting resources in issuing checks for very small amounts, advertisers will accrue the amount owed to you until it reaches a certain amount before they pay you.
How do they keep track of referrals?
Every affiliate banner or link that a visitor clicks on has some type of coding added to the URL - this differentiates it from other affiliates' links. The most common means of tracking affiliate links is by "cookies" Cookies are tiny files stored on your computer by a web browser when you click on an advertising link.
Cookies are generated to track visitors to websites. This is how they can "remember" what you bought when you visit there again. For an affiliate company, the cookie records information on which affiliate referred the visitor to the company, and when.
As some computer users block or delete cookies, there are other methods used to track referrals. For example, CGI-based scripts related to the individuals affiliate code attached to the URL links and database matching algorithms are used.
Second tier programs
A two tier program allows you as an affiliate to sign up other affiliates under you. You earn a smaller commission on the referrals or sales that arise from their advertising efforts as well as your own.
This costs you far less time and money for each sale if some of them aren't yours. In effect, you have your own sales force and pay a commission to your sub-affiliates. Except that the commission comes out of the affiliate company's profits rather than yours.

The affiliate company benefits by a possible exponential growth of its sales force for no more effort on its part - you're providing that. It’s not hard to recruit people under you in two tier programs.
A second level can be a great advantage to you as an affiliate. Even if you only spread the word amongst friends and family, you never know when someone who signs up under you will really take off. They could earn you a lot by their own efforts in spreading the word about a program. You might not get rich, but you'll get some welcome extra income.
A multi tier affiliate program builds on the concept of a two-tier program.
Not only can you earn from sub-affiliates, but you can also earn from their sub-affiliates, and perhaps their sub-affiliates. With a two tier program, you have an incentive to sign up sub-affiliates. A multi-tier program gives you the incentive to help your sub affiliates sign up others.

Is it for me?

If you have a website then there’s guaranteed to be an affiliate program to suit your needs and audience. For minimal effort you can make your website earn money, even while you’re happily sleeping. Perhaps it won’t make you a fortune overnight. And it’s true that no-one hands you money for doing nothing. But with some careful thought and planning, choosing an affiliate program that fits in with YOUR website and sells products that YOU are confident in is a straightforward way of increasing YOUR income. And it costs you nothing.

Affiliate Programs 101

Joining an affiliate program is one of the easiest ways to start an online business and generate income for your website. These revenue sharing programs are very popular on the net. And is the way many new entrepreneurs started online.

When you join an affiliate program your task is to promote the merchants services or products on your website or in your ezine. This is easier than you might think because the merchants supply members with banners or links back to their site to promote the product. Plus they tally up your clicks or sales.

But Beware!

Make sure you understand all the details of the program. Avoid MLM programs. Only the first tier group will reap rewards. Avoid any program where you recruit other affiliates. And your earnings are based on a percentage of their profits. Your profits plummet if your recruits abandon the program.

Affiliate programs pay their members a fixed amount for each sale, click through, lead, or banner impression.

Here's a simple breakdown of most payment plans:

-Pay per sale.

A commission is paid for each sale your site/ezine generates.

-Pay per click through.

You receive a payment for each valid click to the sponsors website.

-Pay per lead.

You receive a payment for each sales lead for a service or product.

-Pay per impression.

You receive a payment each time a merchants banner or link is displayed to the merchants site.

Joining an affiliate program is easy! Just be sure to select an affiliate program with appropriate services or products that match your targeted audience.

If your ezine/website attracts Rugged Out-doors motorcycle enthusiast, you certainly would not display maternity clothing or baby booties.

Or if your ezine/website attracts young teenagers, you certainly don't want to display senior citizen products like walkers or vitamins for older adults.

Always read the fine print. Make sure you understand the payment clause. Many affiliate programs will only send you payment after you've accumulated a certain sales amount. Anything from $10.00 and up.

Affiliates might pay every other week, per month or per quarter. You will receive a payment if you reach the minimum balance in sales during that pay period. Most balances are accumulative. So, if you do not reach the minimum during one pay period it will be rolled over to your next pay period and added to any sales balances. Once again, read the fine print in the affiliate agreement when you sign up for pertinent details.

Here are a few popular affiliate programs.


Commission Junction

To find more affiliate programs, go to one of the search engines like:


Type in affiliate programs. Click on the one's that interest you.

Are you a newbie and want an easy way to get into business fast? Join an affiliate program!

One Super Affiliate Rosalind Gardner shares her techniques and secrets in her newest ebook. Check it out if you want to get into business fast.

"Super Affiliate Handbook" Click Here:

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

How To Maximize Your Profit Promoting Affiliate Programs

How To Maximize Your Profit Promoting Affiliate ProgramsPromoting affiliate programs can provide you with a good extra income or even a full time income online.

To help you maximize your profit promoting affiliate programs, I've provided the following tips to help you successfully market your affiliate programs more effectively to your site's visitors.

1. Publish an e-zine.

Running an e-zine will allow you to run prime position ads for your affiliate programs in every issue you publish, and is the #1 way for you to follow up with your site's visitors.

You can also easily increase your commissions by sending out special announcements to your subscriber base whenever one of the affiliate programs you promote is offering a special bonus or a special limited time offer.

Once you build up your circulation you can further increase your profits by charging for ad space in your publication.

2. Use a pop up on your site that promotes your e-zine.

Using a pop up as a well as a subscription e-mail or form on your site can substantially increase the number of your visitors that subscribe to your publication.

Your pop up will draw your visitors' attention right to your e-zine, and if you offer your visitors free bonuses for subscribing to your e-zine such as free ebooks or free ads you can further increase the number of visitors who subscribe to your publication.

3. Offer free e-mail workshops (e-mail courses) to your visitors.

Making e-mail workshops will enable you to effectively promote one or several affiliate programs that offer products that relate to the subject of your workshop.

Many affiliate programs provide their affiliates with articles to post on their sites or run in their e-zines which you can use to successfully form the different parts of your workshop.

If you already write articles, you can easily use your own articles to form the different parts of your workshop and transform your articles into yet another powerful marketing tool.

To get the most out of your e-mail workshops, offer your workshops both on your site and by using a pop up, and use your workshops to increase subscriptions to your e-zine as well as repeat visitors your website.

4. Publish your articles on your site.

Posting your articles on your site is a great way to continually add content to your site and draw more repeat visitors.

To successfully use your articles to promote affiliate programs offer a free e-mail workshop in your resource box or use your resource box to promote your e-zine.

This will provide you with an effective way to successfully follow up with your prospects when your articles get published as well as when your visitors read your articles.

5. Offer free ebooks on your site.

Many affiliate programs provide their affiliates with ebooks they can rebrand with their unique affiliate URL and these can be used as an effective marketing tool.

The best way to promote your affiliate programs with ebooks, however, is to make your own ebooks.

If you write your own articles, you can create a unique promotional item by making an ebook compilation of your articles with links to affiliate programs you promote.

You can also create a best of compilation of your e-zine's top issues to drive more subscriptions to your publication or if you make e-mail workshops you can transform these into your ebooks content.

To further increase your profits, offer your ebooks as a free bonus or part of a free bonus for subscribing to your e-zine, and/or allow your visitors to rebrand your ebook with a link to their own business, affiliate program or opportunity.

Are Affiliate Programs Sensible?

Are Affiliate Programs Sensible?:Have you ever wondered how "the big guys" earn so much
money on the internet? Sure, some of them have huge
advertising budgets, which puts small business owners at a

But some of the biggest names today started out just like
you and me. They had low advertising budgets and fumbled
their way around the internet trying to get visitors to
their websites and sell their products.

Even though they had terrific products, they couldn't sell
them if no one knew about them. They put on their thinking
caps to find the easiest and least expensive way to get
visitors and make sales.

They finally came up with a plan that would benefit not
only them, but others as well. If they could get other
people to promote their products and websites, they could
earn more money.

And so, Affiliate Programs were born! What a concept! A
better way to get visitors to a website and sell more

They offer their visitors the opportunity to "partner" with
them, often for free, to help sell their products. And many
of them offer two-tier affiliate programs.

So if I sign up as an affiliate I can get others to sign up
under me as my sub-affiliates. I earn a commission for
sales I make directly to my customers. But I also earn a
smaller commission for sales that my sub-affiliates make.

It's a winning situation for everyone! The "big guy" made
money because he sold his product. However, he might not
have made that sale if it wasn't for my advertisement. And I
made money because I advertised his products.

The concept of affiliate programs is really not so new. It's
similar to selling cosmetics or other products for many
well-known companies.

For instance, I have no idea how to invent a new cologne,
but I know how to sell it. Therefore, I could sign up as a
representative for a cosmetics company. They, in turn,
would pay me a commission for selling their products.

Why would they do that? Because they can't possibly reach
all the potential customers by themselves.

By becoming an affiliate for someone who knows much more
about computers and digital products than I do, I have the
advantage of selling quality products that I can't create

And they have the advantage of their affiliates doing some
of the "leg work" for them because they can't possibly reach
all the potential customers in this vast internet world.

A few of the large companies on the internet today that
offer free two-tier affiliate programs can be located at
the following links: .x/775957
(For this last one you sign up for ListFire and get your
free copy of Web Army Knife. Then you can sign up to become
an affiliate for free.)

The next time you visit a website offering products you
like, check to see if they offer an affiliate program. Even
if you don't wish to place an order for a product at that
time, you can sign up as an affiliate.

In the future when you do order you may be able to use your
own affiliate URL and give yourself the commission. Most
companies allow this procedure.

In the meantime you can let your customers know that you
have new products available, as well as affiliate programs
for them to join. It's a great way to get backend sales.

So there you have it! The reasons for affiliate programs and
why it makes sense for people to sign up. By offering
well-known products on your website or in your ezine you
are in a win-win situation and can potentially earn big
money like the "internet gurus."

Affiliate Program Scams To Watch Out For

Affiliate Program Scams To Watch Out ForAffiliate programs are a great way to earn extra money or even a good living if you do things right. But unfortunately, there are alot of people out there that know this and will do everything they can to swindle you into selling their products while not having to pay you a dime. There are some merchants that view affiliates as a source of free traffic and free marketing.

Here are a few things that should draw up a red flag when you come accross an affiliate program:

No Contact Information
If they don't post their contact information on their site then you should not bother with them. To me this tells me they are trying to hide something.

Commission To High
Yes, it is great when we find affiliate programs that pay high commissions. But you also have to be careful that they are not just trying to draw you into their affiliate program by using big numbers. It wouldn't be good to earn alot of money just to get scammed. If it is to good to be true then most likely it is. A merchant will never pay more on a commission then they would get for the sale. It is just not business smart.

No Replies To Your Emails
If they do have their email address on their site and you send them an email but they never reply then you should drop them like a hot rock. If you can't trust them to take one minute to give you a reply then you shouldn't trust them to spend a few more minutes cutting and mailing you a check.

Returned Affiliate Payment Checks
If they do send you a check and your bank returns it then this would be another reason to draw up the red flag of being scammed. Of course you should always contact the merchant to try to resolve the issue, it could be an honest mistake. But if it happens in conjuction with no email replies and lousy affiliate support then I wouldn't waste anymore of my time with them.

The bottom line is that you should always use your gut feeling when dealing with affiliate programs. If you are not sure about an affiliate program then search the search engines for the merchants name. If they are known for scamming affiliates you are sure to find it in the search engines and affiliate forums.