Sunday, December 16, 2007

Promote Someone Else's Product Through Affiliate Marketing

Promote Someone Else's Product Through Affiliate MarketingAffiliate marketing is a type of marketing strategy that allows an individual to earn money by simply promoting someone else's products.

I had a preview of Affiliate Marketing a year ago through an eBay link on a friend's web site. I was curious and asked him about it. He gave me a step-by-step explanation of the Affiliate Marketing process and how I could make some money. I then started to experiment with different types of products to find out which types of products were sell-outs and which were not. During the first few weeks, I was not making much money, but after sometime I was making more than $1,500 a week doing Affiliate Marketing.

Most affiliate marketers advertise on the Internet using Pay-to-click advertising. This is like a trade secret that has been going on since the beginning of affiliate marketing.

There are several advantages of being an affiliate marketer. One, you have no product costs to worry about. All you need is website or bog to display the products you are promoting. You don't need any sales experience to promote your products, and you don't have to worry about sales quotas. Affiliate marketers usually form partnerships with shipping companies. These companies take care of the delivery of goods to the buyer.

If you are interested in becoming an affiliate marketer, here are some pieces of advice. First, evaluate the affiliate program that you want to be involved in. Affiliate programs are usually offered by business websites. You can also checkout the Commission Junction. Second, make a product research to see which products are worth promoting and ignore the rest. Third, it is important to remember not to involve yourself with affiliate programs that are more than you can handle. Too many affiliate programs under your portfolio will deter you from effectively promoting the product.

The setup of a blog or marketing website does not cost much. But before setting up the site, determine your target market. This will enable to make a design that will appeal to that market, and therefore increase your chances of getting a sale. All you have to do is create a space where you can showcase all your products. It is recommended that you group similar products together. A lead-in page is necessary to entice your customers to visit your site and view your products. You also have to develop a page that links to separate sales page. It is advisable to write a small article about the products that you are promoting. Highlight the product's characteristics and what it can do. The viewer then has an idea on what the product is for.

Finding The Right Home Based Business

Finding The Right Home Based BusinessFinding the right home based business can either make or break you. When searching on the Internet using the keywords "home based business" or "work at home" you will find millions if not billions of results. The competition is extremely competitive and you have to know or research carefully before investing any monies. I got started a little over a year ago and I have read and researched a lot of information regarding the home based business industry. I have found a lot of them to be creditable and some that were absolute scams so be sure you research thoroughly before taking that first step.

One of the home based business programs I am currently involved with and have had some great success with is SFI Affiliate Program. SFI stands for "Strong Future International" and was founded by Gery Carson back in 1998. SFI supplies everything you would need to get started including: free websites, training, support and all products provided. You can even sign up with SFI for free. They have a no risk, no obligation policy. I have been a SFI member now for a little over 5 months and have seen my monthly income increase every month as I remain an active Executive Affiliate. You can become an Executive Affiliate by either purchasing products for yourself, sell products to people you know, subscribe to their monthly newsletter (IAHBE) packed with helpful home based business information or visit my website and click on the 2008 Home Based Business "Top Pick" for complete details.

I encourage you to at least sign-up and then browse through the SFI Leader Boards which you will see in the top right hand side of the website. You are going to see many familiar names that are at the top of the home based business industry. You will see names like, Ewen Chia, Stone Evans, The Rich Jerk and Shawn Casey to name a few. I don't really see these guys ever wanting to waste their time and money on a home based business program if they were not getting paid well, very well. Remember you can sign up for free and you can opt-out anytime. I just want you to really browse through the SFI website and get yourself familiar with an awesome home based business program. It's not a get rich quick system, which I don't know of too many of them out there but it is definitely something to take 5 minutes out of your time to look at. It has worked for me and I guarantee it can work for you too!

Finding Affiliate Products That Convert

Finding Affiliate Products That ConvertAs a new comer to affiliate marketing I struggled with making money online with products that claimed high conversion rates, it simply wasn't happening. Sure I got sales but nothing compared to what I thought I would get. I worked hard at driving traffic to my website and it seemed like all my efforts were for nothing. This needed to stop, I hate working for nothing and there was no reason why these products would not sell. They were good products that offered a lot of value to Internet marketers.

After several months of this I finally was able to figure out the mistakes I was making and begin to drive targeted traffic to my website. First I took a good look at my website and made sure that it looked professional. Was it easy to navigate and did it lead visitors around in a logical fashion? I had to make a couple of changes but for the most part the site looked pretty good, at least as good as someone like me could make it. Next, I read through my content and made sure it was still relevant and was free of errors. You would be amazed how many mistakes you can find even after proof reading your content several times. I have learned that letting content sit on your desk for a week or two before you put it on your website can save you time and embarrassment. Take the time to make sure your content is professionally done and review it often.

Now that I dealt with the website I needed to go to work on the search engine side as well as keyword optimization. I learned it doesn't pay to set up a website that targets a general keyword because you get to many information seekers, not buyers. Now this is okay if you offer a lot of information on a particular product but you need to have something like a opt-in newsletter to capture these folks so you can lead them over time from information seekers to buyers otherwise you are only losing money especially if you are driving this traffic to your site through pay-per-click advertising.

The key to making money online is to find the right product-keyword match. The more specific I was able to get the better. Sure my traffic decreased but it became more relevant traffic that was likely to convert into sales.

Making money on the Internet is a pretty simple process but it is not easy. It does take work but by setting up a technique and repeating the techniques that work you can make money. Take the time to do it right and the sales will start pouring in. Develop your sites around targeting keyword phrases that are aimed at buyers. Provide them with a professional looking website and maybe even a free bonus gift for to your visitors.

4 Affiliate Marketing Benefits

4 Affiliate Marketing BenefitsAffiliate marketing is an excellent way for people to earn money on the Internet. With affiliate marketing people can earn money by selling products provided to them by merchants of the programs they must join.

There are several benefits to affiliate marketing and in this article we're going to talk about a few of those.

1. Mutually Beneficial

Affiliate marketing is mutually beneficial meaning that both sides benefit when a sale is made. This is excellent because it encourages the merchants to provide high commissions and high quality products.

It's excellent for the website owner is well, because they don't make any money unless they make a sale. Therefore both sides benefit when a sale is made and both sites have an incentive to do a good job.

2. Everyone Can Join

There are numerous success stories of people who had no background in affiliate marketing gone on to become full-time Internet marketers selling other people's products.

The fact you do not have to have any experience attracts a large crowd of people, of which a few of them will do very well. The majority will not achieve success because affiliate marketing is hard work, but that is not the fault of the industry or the merchants who provide products.

3. Low Overhead

It does not take much money to start an affiliate marketing business. From the merchant standpoint they have nothing to lose because they do not have salaried employees they are paying to work for them. They pay out commissions when a sale is made.

From the affiliate standpoint they really do not have a lot of overhead because all they need is a computer with Internet access, and they can be in business. They do not have to go out and buy a bunch of tools or equipment to start their business.

4. Marketing Material Provided

A top quality affiliate program is going to provide all the marketing materials that their affiliates need to be successful. This is good for the merchant because they have to develop their marketing materials only one time. And then they can concentrate on recruiting affiliates to sell the products.

It's great for the affiliate because they do not have to go out and create banners, email marketing campaigns, websites, classified ads, and so on. The affiliate spends his time getting visitors to his website using the various marketing materials he is given.

In summary there are many more benefits, including unlimited income potential, joint-venture possibilities, and other things, that come from affiliate marketing. It is all good for both the merchant and the affiliate marketer



Generate More Sales in ANY Affiliate Program

Affiliates make money in pretty much two ways, firstly by direct sales (straight forward, no need to elaborate on this) and secondly by commissions from on-selling.

In this article I will be focusing on the affiliates, better known as your down line, your team, your partners, your network.

There are several different types of affiliates, the elusive Super Affiliate, Active Affiliates from Direct Sales, Active Affiliates who On-Sell and inactive affiliates.

The Active Affiliate from Direct Sales are the ones who join up under you and maintain their subscription to the program/service but don’t on-sell to others. Giving you Direct Sale Commission.

The Active Affiliate who On-Sell’s are the ones that provide you passive income giving you a percentage of their sales, this is known as TIER income. It is estimated that less than 5% of your Active Affiliates from Direct Sales will become On-Sellers. However, in saying that, the higher the commission on the product/service the higher percentage rate for Active Affiliate from Direct Sales to become On-Sellers.

So, lets look at a scenario, 25 Active Affiliates join under you, selling web hosting and you get $10.00 per direct sale as commission per month, assuming the Active Affiliate maintains their subscription. That’s and extra $250 a month in your pocket. Not a lot of money, BUT if you repeat this process in 9 other programs then your monthly income increases to $2500.00.

If the program being promoted is a necessity i.e. web hosting, auto responders etc, it is likely the Active Affiliate will maintain their subscription. However if the program is not a necessity item such as an ebook or similar then it is unlikely the affiliate will maintain their subscription, so choose affiliate programs wisely.

Dedicated Active Affiliate On-Sellers are a picky group that require a lot of maintenance, online support and regular contact. The product/service has to be lucrative for them to on-sell, with at least a 4+ tier system for it to be worthwhile.

Unless you have the time and money to invest in On-Seller’s then my suggestion today is for you to go for width not depth, and then duplicate it many times over providing Multiple Streams of Income.

The last article in this series will focus fully on ACTIVE AFFILIATES and how to get them. Till then to your online success!

Technorati Profile

4 Affiliate Marketing Benefits

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way for people to earn money on the Internet. With affiliate marketing people can earn money by selling products provided to them by merchants of the programs they must join.

There are several benefits to affiliate marketing and in this article we're going to talk about a few of those.

1. Mutually Beneficial

Affiliate marketing is mutually beneficial meaning that both sides benefit when a sale is made. This is excellent because it encourages the merchants to provide high commissions and high quality products.

It's excellent for the website owner is well, because they don't make any money unless they make a sale. Therefore both sides benefit when a sale is made and both sites have an incentive to do a good job.

2. Everyone Can Join

There are numerous success stories of people who had no background in affiliate marketing gone on to become full-time Internet marketers selling other people's products.

The fact you do not have to have any experience attracts a large crowd of people, of which a few of them will do very well. The majority will not achieve success because affiliate marketing is hard work, but that is not the fault of the industry or the merchants who provide products.

3. Low Overhead

It does not take much money to start an affiliate marketing business. From the merchant standpoint they have nothing to lose because they do not have salaried employees they are paying to work for them. They pay out commissions when a sale is made.

From the affiliate standpoint they really do not have a lot of overhead because all they need is a computer with Internet access, and they can be in business. They do not have to go out and buy a bunch of tools or equipment to start their business.

4. Marketing Material Provided

A top quality affiliate program is going to provide all the marketing materials that their affiliates need to be successful. This is good for the merchant because they have to develop their marketing materials only one time. And then they can concentrate on recruiting affiliates to sell the products.

It's great for the affiliate because they do not have to go out and create banners, email marketing campaigns, websites, classified ads, and so on. The affiliate spends his time getting visitors to his website using the various marketing materials he is given.

In summary there are many more benefits, including unlimited income potential, joint-venture possibilities, and other things, that come from affiliate marketing. It is all good for both the merchant and the affiliate marketer.

Affiliate Marketing Success - Sell What People Are Buying

The easiest way to make money online is affiliate marketing. Basically you are a sales person for some one else's product. Make a sale and you get a commission.

To sell anything online, you need traffic. You need people who are interested in what you are trying to sell. In addition you need them to buy it through your affiliate link.

As a human being, the tendency is to try to sell something that has little or no competition. There is no thought given as to whether people are buying this product or not.

As an affiliate marketer, your first rule must be to sell what people are buying. If people are not buying the product, then it makes no difference that there is no competition. No matter how much time and effort you put in, it is not going to make you any money. In fact the opposite is true. There is no competition because people are not buying.

As a savvy marketer, before you jump into a niche, you must determine what it is that people are buying in that market. You must then put all your efforts into selling that.

Better yet, target buyers. That's right, target people who are in the frame of mind to buy. There are all kinds of people on the internet.

- People just looking for free information

- People who are researching a product,

- People who are ready to buy and just want a link

It is that last kind of people that you especially want to target. Get yourself in front of these buyers first. They want to buy, they have their wallets open and the credit card pulled out. They are going to buy anyway. Why not buy through your link?

A 10 page mini-site that targets Buyers can put more money in your pocket than a big site that targets non-buyers. Want to find out how to find buyers. Visit Affiliate Strategies to find out how.

Affiliate Marketing Tips - Why You Need A Website

Affiliate marketing is making it possible for virtually anyone to come online and make money with little or no money of their own. You do not need to create your own product or service so it simply comes down to being able to generate sales. Learning how to sell online can be a great challenge for many people.

Unfortunately most affiliate marketers try one or two approaches to sell and they usually fail and then quit. Do not be part of this group. You must learn from your mistakes because people that are making big money online do things very similarly and people that do not make much money also do things very similarly. Sometimes it can take a bit of time and a few failures before you figure out the game of internet marketing.

Most people want to make money online and they want to do it overnight without any effort. The problem is that this lure of trying to make quick money causes you to use strategies that are simply not effective. An example of this is throwing up a google adwords ad with a direct link to an affiliate page and then targeting any general related keywords. This strategy rarely works and can cost you a lot of money very quickly.

Remember that most people look at the internet as a free information resource and not a shopping mall. They do not make searches on their computer with the intent to buy something. Certainly there are a few searchers that do have clear intentions to buy so if you do want to target these then make sure to only bid on keywords that have the term 'buy' in it. However this is a small percentage, it appears that most people buy things online by being referred from sites they trust.

The kinds of sites people like and trust are simply those that help them and offer them either free information or a free service. For instance article directories can be great for selling products because people will read an article, feel like they have done some research and then maybe they may switch into buying mode when they encounter your links at the bottom of the article which means your conversion rates will be much higher.

This is why creating content rich sites is very important because you must be able to keep the visitor on your site long enough for them to potentially switch into buying mode before they click on your affiliate links. People buy based on emotion and not logic and most people will not purchase something unless they feel that they have done some research on the subject. If your site can offer the research information then people will be much more likely to buy after they click on your links.

Make sure you create a content rich site related to your niche and add your affiliate links either to the side or the bottom of your articles. Also try to make sure your articles are unique and written by you as search engines are becoming more strict with duplicate content. You can use adwords to promote your site but also be sure to use article marketing too as it can be very effective at driving free traffic from both the article directories and also the search engines as your sites ranking increases due to increased link popularity.

Also make it a point to learn about search engine optimization. The biggest key to getting high rankings with the search engines is to create good quality unique sites that offer free useful content for its visitors. Ask yourself whether or not you would find your site useful if you were a visitor. Always try to give your visitors the best possible experience as this is also the goal of the major search engines too. You can do reciprocal linking or article marketing to help increase the visibility of your site on the internet as this is also important to better rankings. Build a site and do it well and in time you are sure to find affiliate marketing success.

Guaranteed Profit From Affiliate Marketing - Affiliate Junction

Well it's fair to say I was skeptical going into this, first that I would ever be able to earn $150 per day in commissions from any affiliate program (judging from my experiences with clickbank products), and second that they would honor their guarantee. It seems like a massive claim to pay someone $150 per day for 3 hours per week, if they're failing to do it. Product confidence or the dreaded scam? Well I chose to believe that it was product confidence and this is my experience.

First of all I thought I would do some research to find out how steadfast their guarantee actually was. The first part of this was to check their terms and conditions. I was amazed to see that in fact the guarantee is offered under New Zealand law. I am a New Zealander myself so was extremely interested to see this. For those of you who don't know, NZ is just south of Australia but is a separate nation, and is a developed OECD country. This in itself is a surprise because often such hair-brained schemes are located in dodgey places that you don't have a chance of following up legally. NZ is not like this, it is a very solid country. So after reading the Terms and Conditions I was ready to go to the next step.

I was disappointed to find that you have to sign up with ipowerweb in order to join this program officially. Ipowerweb apparently has a bad rep on the web and at this stage my skepticism elevated immensely! For some reason I still continued with the process and paid my money for a years hosting from ipowerweb knowing that the program refunds a large percentage of that fee (approximately 95%). Therefore it was effectively costing me less than $10 for a years hosting, sweet deal. Once all that is complete you send a confirmation letter to Affiliate Junktion and they send you your website and affiliate login etc.

Personally the affiliate area is very basic, but EXTREMELY useful...I was pleasantly surprised to find some extremely useful tools included for free. Some of the tools are sold separately for 40 bucks a pop such as Brad Callen's work. Also the instructions for setting up your website and beginning to earn profits is so simple it's criminal!

Anyone could follow them, even a complete technological retard. So I followed the instructions down to the t, just to see whether I would actually earn money with this program. Well blow me down, I started selling immediately. The way I'm heading at the moment I won't be needing the guarantee as I am selling far more than I'm spending on advertising....What a miracle!!

So overall I would call the Programme a success. This is absolutely perfect for a beginner affiliate advertiser, and if you need a hosting account you get a free one for a year. In fact at this moment ipowerweb have a sale on so you will actually make money from setting up your hosting account with them.

So to sum up, this is some serious product confidence, not a scam. If you're a beginner and wanting to get into affiliate advertising, this is perfect for you. This in my opinion will be the revolution of affiliate marketing, guaranteed income? You can't beat that....

Signs That Your Affiliate Marketing Strategy Isn't Working

As an affiliate marketer, you need to constantly update yourself with the most effective strategies and approaches to ensure that people keep buying and commissions keep coming. You may think that your current methods are doing very well when they truly aren't. You need to be aware of the warning signs that tell you to change things before they get worse.

Signs from Your Affiliated Company

The company you're affiliated with is giving you less and less responsibilities. This is a danger sign since companies usually rely on their best affiliates in bringing in potential buyers. You may notice that the company does not update you quickly with recent information, offers you less products to market or minimizes your quota. These indicate that you are performing less than expected.

The company has delayed responses lately. Companies usually want to contact people who are actually maximizing their assets and income. If they consider your strategy weak or you're simply not helpful in sales, they will most likely contact you the least. Some companies will directly tell you to improve your approach. Observe how quick they respond to calls and emails or if they seem to just keep passing you to the next person.

Signs from Your Customers

No one's buying. You simply aren't receiving any commission since you're not bringing in any buyers. This may be the most common sign that your affiliate marketing strategy is not working. Record every week or month how many customers you've brought in to gauge how well your approaches are working. You may have driven individuals to the company's web site but haven't made any sale or sales had unsatisfactory results leading to refunds.

No positive feedback. Some company web site have customer testimonials showing how well the product or service worked for them or how they came to know about the company. Your affiliate marketing strategies are highlighted if there are customers that you specifically brought in. If there seems to be no praises whatsoever from your clients or the company itself, you may need to up your efforts and improve your techniques.

Your clients are not responding. Delayed responses or no contact at all from your clients mean that they are losing interest. Great newsletters and marketing through emails, blogs and web sites will keep customers wanting to talk to you for more information and support. Check how well your clients are responding especially old ones.

As an affiliate marketer, your strategies need to be innovative and flexible to keep customers and money coming. Since the internet is an ever-changing environment, you need to keep learning new things to be as competent as possible. Study the market as well as your company, product and service. Keep in touch with your company and clients to maintain your credibility and reputable nature.