Sunday, December 16, 2007

Affiliate Marketing Success - Sell What People Are Buying

The easiest way to make money online is affiliate marketing. Basically you are a sales person for some one else's product. Make a sale and you get a commission.

To sell anything online, you need traffic. You need people who are interested in what you are trying to sell. In addition you need them to buy it through your affiliate link.

As a human being, the tendency is to try to sell something that has little or no competition. There is no thought given as to whether people are buying this product or not.

As an affiliate marketer, your first rule must be to sell what people are buying. If people are not buying the product, then it makes no difference that there is no competition. No matter how much time and effort you put in, it is not going to make you any money. In fact the opposite is true. There is no competition because people are not buying.

As a savvy marketer, before you jump into a niche, you must determine what it is that people are buying in that market. You must then put all your efforts into selling that.

Better yet, target buyers. That's right, target people who are in the frame of mind to buy. There are all kinds of people on the internet.

- People just looking for free information

- People who are researching a product,

- People who are ready to buy and just want a link

It is that last kind of people that you especially want to target. Get yourself in front of these buyers first. They want to buy, they have their wallets open and the credit card pulled out. They are going to buy anyway. Why not buy through your link?

A 10 page mini-site that targets Buyers can put more money in your pocket than a big site that targets non-buyers. Want to find out how to find buyers. Visit Affiliate Strategies to find out how.

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