Sunday, December 16, 2007

Signs That Your Affiliate Marketing Strategy Isn't Working

As an affiliate marketer, you need to constantly update yourself with the most effective strategies and approaches to ensure that people keep buying and commissions keep coming. You may think that your current methods are doing very well when they truly aren't. You need to be aware of the warning signs that tell you to change things before they get worse.

Signs from Your Affiliated Company

The company you're affiliated with is giving you less and less responsibilities. This is a danger sign since companies usually rely on their best affiliates in bringing in potential buyers. You may notice that the company does not update you quickly with recent information, offers you less products to market or minimizes your quota. These indicate that you are performing less than expected.

The company has delayed responses lately. Companies usually want to contact people who are actually maximizing their assets and income. If they consider your strategy weak or you're simply not helpful in sales, they will most likely contact you the least. Some companies will directly tell you to improve your approach. Observe how quick they respond to calls and emails or if they seem to just keep passing you to the next person.

Signs from Your Customers

No one's buying. You simply aren't receiving any commission since you're not bringing in any buyers. This may be the most common sign that your affiliate marketing strategy is not working. Record every week or month how many customers you've brought in to gauge how well your approaches are working. You may have driven individuals to the company's web site but haven't made any sale or sales had unsatisfactory results leading to refunds.

No positive feedback. Some company web site have customer testimonials showing how well the product or service worked for them or how they came to know about the company. Your affiliate marketing strategies are highlighted if there are customers that you specifically brought in. If there seems to be no praises whatsoever from your clients or the company itself, you may need to up your efforts and improve your techniques.

Your clients are not responding. Delayed responses or no contact at all from your clients mean that they are losing interest. Great newsletters and marketing through emails, blogs and web sites will keep customers wanting to talk to you for more information and support. Check how well your clients are responding especially old ones.

As an affiliate marketer, your strategies need to be innovative and flexible to keep customers and money coming. Since the internet is an ever-changing environment, you need to keep learning new things to be as competent as possible. Study the market as well as your company, product and service. Keep in touch with your company and clients to maintain your credibility and reputable nature.

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