Monday, December 17, 2007

Upsells Make Your Business A Profit

Upsells Make Your Business A ProfitThis article is, hopefully, going to share with you some information, on how to add a product which will make clients want to upgrade. A product which will offer a lot of value at a dollar amount people will feel is a great deal. Up-sells are a money making concept, which has been around for a long time. See if you remember this. Would like an apple pie with that?

Many internet marketers do not have an up-sell able product. They only have one product that they sell. It might be an e-book or informational course or anything of that nature. Trouble is, they are missing out on enormous profit potential with every sale they make. They could be reaping the easy profits that come with a well-placed up-sell. But, like with anything, if you do not understand something, you can not use it to your advantage.

An up-sell refers to an offer you make to your customer at the point of purchase. After they click the, buy now, button. You present them with a small piece of copy that explains the benefits of packaging together what they just bought with the up-sell product.

This tactic is very simple, but the results can be phenomenal. It is not uncommon to get 30-40% of your customers to take you up on an up-sell. The reason for this is because your customer has just decided to make the purchase. And once they are in that mindset, it is exponentially easier to get them to buy more.

Up-sells are used everywhere. Have you ever noticed in the mall the selling proposition, Buy one and get the second one 50% off. This is a perfect example of up-selling in the physical world. Online is just as easy. And over time, including up-sells will add up to tremendous profit increases.The product you offer as your up sell absolutely needs to be synergistic with the main product you are selling. It should work to enhance your main product or make it more complete.

If it's unrelated or only partially applicable to the interests of your target market, you will not make near as many up-sells as possible. Hone in on what interests your customers most. Cater to the wants and desires of them and most will take you up on your up-sell proposition.

In the copy of the up-sell itself, stress the great benefits that will be gained. If you fail to get persons attention, they will quickly move on and click "no thanks". Do this by showing the undeniable advantages of packaging the up-sell item with their original purchase.

This approach is guaranteed to make most people think twice before passing up your offer. You will likely be able to convert 30-40% of your customers to the up-sell item. This can mean massive increases in profitability to your online business. And it is so easy. I can't imagine why anyone would let their site go on without having an up-sell. You know better now.

Go add a well-placed up-sell to your site now! This may be just what you ads, blogs, web sites, etc. needs to move you online business to the next level. To making a profit. Personally they have made a great difference for us. My comments are my own, based on personal experience.

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